Training Keterampilan Untuk Wanita Manajer
Training Performance Management
This course aims to fully equip women managers with the strategic, analytical and behavioural skills necessary to successfully lead staff through the challenges facing their organisations in the 21st century. It focuses on how women in management positions can maximise their contribution to organisations by building a higher degree of leadership skills. Delegates will develop a broad range of key leadership and management skills.
* Describe changing models of leadership and management relevant to today’s senior woman manager
* Improve your strategic awareness and apply the skills more readily
* Contribute fully and with greater preparedness to senior meetings
* Anticipate changes that must be made and develop comprehensive strategies to implement them
* Enhance your ability to motivate your team and encourage higher levels of performance from them
* Build a support strategy and network to sustain your ongoing development
1. Developing leadership capacity: models, styles and skills
2. Strategic planning and management
3. Stakeholder analysis, situational analysis, determining priorities
4. Managing organisational change
5. Changing working culture
6. Performance management
7. Working more effectively with organisational power and politics
8. Leadership from the inside out: developing your internal resources
9. Motivational techniques: coaching, counselling and effectively communicating with your staff
10. Leading and managing high performing teams
11. Time management
12. Work-life balance
Women managers seeking to develop or upgrade their management and leadership skills, particularly those who are aspiring to senior management posts
Lecturing, workshop, interactive consultation, and case study.
Dra. MC Maryati,MM
Lokasi Pelatihan Tahun 2023 :
Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Seturan
Jakarta, Hotel Amaris La Codefin Kemang
Bandung, Hotel Grand Serela Setiabudhi
Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta
Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta
Catatan :
- Waktu pelatihan Dua+1* hari dengan Biaya tersedia untuk Perorangan, Group, dan Inhouse Training, belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan.
- Untuk biaya dan jadwal training harap menghubungi marketing kembali
Investasi training:
Investasi pelatihan selama dua hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas training:
Free Penjemputan dari bandara ke hotel*.
Modul / Handout.
Certificate of attendance.
FREE Bag or bagpacker.
Training Kit (Photo Documentation, Blocknote, ATK, etc).
2x Coffe Break & 1 Lunch.
Souvenir .