Training Minyak & Gas: Pengukuran & Perhitungan
Training Orifice Plate Flow Meters
This training presents the principles, design, and applications of flow measurement systems, emphasizing flowmeter accuracy, performance, sizing, and specification, selection, and installation practices. with objectives as follows :
* To design a system to make practical and precise industrial flow measurements
* To Calculate the effects of fluid properties on flow meter performance
* To Evaluate flow meter performance statements and compare them with application requirements
* To Specify and select the appropriate flow meters for different applications
* To Identify requirements for flow meter calibration
* To Solve typical flow meter problems
* To Perform flow meter compensation and totalization calculations
* To Understand flow and related phenomena (piping hydraulics, Reynolds Number, cavitation, etc.)
* To Size flow elements for specific applications
* Introduction to Flow Measurement
* Flow meter Selection
* Flow meter Performance
* Linearization and Compensation
* Totalization : Differential Pressure Flow meters
* Orifice Plate Flow meters
+ Installations
+ Sizing and calculation
+ Accuracy and rangeability
+ Types and selection
+ Performance
* V-cone Flow meters
* Venturi tube Flow meters : Velocity Flow meters
* Turbine Flow meters
+ Operation theory
+ Installation
+ Design and construction
+ Accuracy
+ Sizing and selection
* Ultrasonic Flow meters
+ Operation theory
+ The Doppler effect
+ The transit time
+ Design variations
+ Application and performance
* Magnetic Flow meters
+ Operation theory
+ Installation
+ Excitation
+ Tubes and liners
+ Electrodes
+ Selection and sizing
* Vortex Flow meters
+ Operation theory
+ Installation
+ Sizing and accuracy
+ Limitations
+ Mass Flow meters
* Coriolis Mass Flow meters
+ Operation theory
+ Installation
+ Sizing and accuracy
+ Limitations
* Thermal Flow meters
* Positive Displacement Flow meters:
+ Helical Gear
+ Oval Gear
+ Piston and Other Technologies
* Discussion and cases study
Lokasi Pelatihan Tahun 2023 :
Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Seturan
Jakarta, Hotel Amaris La Codefin Kemang
Bandung, Hotel Grand Serela Setiabudhi
Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta
Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta
Catatan :
- Waktu pelatihan Dua+1* hari dengan Biaya tersedia untuk Perorangan, Group, dan Inhouse Training, belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan.
- Untuk biaya dan jadwal training harap menghubungi marketing kembali
Investasi training:
Investasi pelatihan selama dua hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas training:
Free Penjemputan dari bandara ke hotel*.
Modul / Handout.
Certificate of attendance.
FREE Bag or bagpacker.
Training Kit (Photo Documentation, Blocknote, ATK, etc).
2x Coffe Break & 1 Lunch.
Souvenir .