Training Petroleum Dan Operasi Petroleum
Training Drilling System-Pressure Calculation
*Keep excelllent reservoir and production performances as long as possible*
This Three-Day Course will provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of reservoir petroleum fluid properties and application to reservoir and production engineering, drilling and completion of petroleum reservoir, field processing and pipping system, refinery and petroleum plant processing including notion of petroleum economic.
Get a maximum benefit from Petroleum Expert Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA
* Graduated from Petroleum Engineering Department of Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia in 1979
* Hold Doctorate Degree with honored in 1987 from Ecole Centrale de Lyon I, France.
* The topic of his thesis is Modelisation Numerique d’Ecoulements Polyphasiques en Milieux Poreux. Application au Cas de Calcul des Champs de Pressions et de Saturations dans un Gisement de Petrole.
* A lecturer in Petroleum Engineering Department of Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia for more than 32 years.
* His subjects are Analysis and Numerical Method, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Simulation, Fluid Mechanic, Artificial Intelligence for Petroleum Engineering.
* Gave many courses to the community, such as: basic reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation, basic production engineering, down hole well testing, statistic and numerical method for petroleum engineering, basic log interpretation, etc.
* A member of some profession organization such as: IATMI, SPE/EIME, IMA, HAIAI, FPS-USA, INAGA, and IGA.
Who Should Attend this course
* Fresh Petroleum, Reservoir, Production and Facility/Process Engineer
* Geoscientist
* Asset Management Team members and Business Development Manager
* Production Operators, Technician, Maintenance and Operation Personnel who is responsible for the Oil and Gas Reservoir development design and implementation
* Experienced professional who wants to refresh or broaden their understanding of Oil and Gas Properties in the purposes of fields development.
* Their professionals who want a better understanding of the subject
Featuring The Following Subjects:
* Basic Phase Behavior
* Pure Component Physical Properties and Characterizing Undefined Petroleum Fraction
* Properties of Natural GasesRotary Drilling Operations
* Rheology of Drilling and Completion Fluids
* Mud System
* Cementing
* Oil Field Tubulars and Hydraulics
* Drilling System-Pressure Calculation
* Drilling Sytem Bit and Nozzles
* Introduction to Well Control
* Directional Drilling
* Well Completion
* Well Logging
* Reservoir Engineering
* Production Engineering
* Refinery
* Basic Petroleum Economics
Lokasi Pelatihan Tahun 2023 :
Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Seturan
Jakarta, Hotel Amaris La Codefin Kemang
Bandung, Hotel Grand Serela Setiabudhi
Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta
Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta
Catatan :
- Waktu pelatihan Dua+1* hari dengan Biaya tersedia untuk Perorangan, Group, dan Inhouse Training, belum termasuk akomodasi/penginapan.
- Untuk biaya dan jadwal training harap menghubungi marketing kembali
Investasi training:
Investasi pelatihan selama dua hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas training:
Free Penjemputan dari bandara ke hotel*.
Modul / Handout.
Certificate of attendance.
FREE Bag or bagpacker.
Training Kit (Photo Documentation, Blocknote, ATK, etc).
2x Coffe Break & 1 Lunch.
Souvenir .